This is the day that I met Azrijah. The day after Porcfest XX ended on June 25th.
Her human left her with friends before heading to prison for 18 months as punishment for trading dollars for bitcoin without the proper permission slips.
Aria is a host of She Talk Live, ran for Sheriff, and was captured as a part of the FBI raid of the Crypto Six back in March 2021.
So, she dropped Azrijah off at my friends campsite. When I saw her, and heard the story, we bonded instantly.
We went for a walk and ended up spending a couple hours at my campsite

We took another walk around Roger’s Campground, but I let her lead this time. She walked right to the Free Talk Live campsite, where she had spent most of the past 2 weeks.
Later, while I was recording a promo video, she decided to check one last place… which was heartbreaking to watch.
After realizing that her room was now abandoned, she guided me to a spot with an incredible view. I just have to assume that was their peaceful hideaway.
We stayed there for a while as she was forced to cope with the fact that her human wasn’t there anymore.
It wasn’t long before I noticed the remarkable resemblance with my cousin’s lost dog Lucy. Lucy disappeared during a camping trip in North Carolina back in April of this year.
There has been a major search effort for her ever since. Lucy’s been on over 50 news broadcasts, and her Facebook group has over 2000 members looking for her.

So we have a dog that lost her family, and a family that lost their dog.
August 9, 2023
I just received news this morning, LUCY HAS BEEN FOUND

I’m so happy for Dana, Glenn, and their family! You never gave up, and are finally being rewarded 🥰
I’ve spent the past month with Azrijah, and I completely understand the attachment that can develop, particularly with Golden’s.
Now, I’m just waiting for the judge to realize it was a mistake to lock someone in a cage for a “crime” with no victim, and we can reunite Azrijah with her family again.
Never give up hope.