… in an effort to free the world for my daughter and granddaughter.
I just stood in the center of the Universe.
Right in the middle of my house, which is the most visible house in Weare. Weare has the coolest history out of any town in the state. Weare is located in the heart of New Hampshire. New Hampshire has been rated #1 in freedom out of all 50 states, for many years in a row. The states are part of the best country in the world. Our world is the center of our universe.
While I’m generally living ultimate freedom as a nomad, I have been staying in New Hampshire for most of 2020 though today.

This place has the history that other states could only dream of. Fast forward 250 years, and here’s what we have today…
I fell in love with Weare when I read about it’s rich history, and soon thereafter I purchased a beautiful colonial farmhouse built in the 1700’s, which has been newly converted in to community office space.
Weare is where my heart is, and I truly enjoy being part of the amazing community here. The Wearehouse is an awesome space, and I love sharing it with the many people that are working to build a brighter future.
Last year I assisted with the play to retell the story of The Pine Tree Riot for the 250th anniversary. We brought the past to life with a re-enactment of the events that took place that day in 1772.
This year I’m starting a series of classes called Build Back Becker to teach computer skills for creating the network of yesterday. We are live streaming them on our own servers, to be shared out to the world.
I’ve also created a website to promote our history, and local businesses. wearenh.org is an association to manage the website content, and request additions. It’s almost like a BBB or COC, but I really don’t know what it will be when it grows up.
I’m also part of the second play that will be performed in August of this year. This one is about the hurricane and flood in the 1930’s. Our Weare Community Theater group formed last year, and pulled together an incredible performance. Especially considering the couple of months that we had to pull it all together. wearenh.org/ptr250 has the links to the action.
We are launching our first community market day on April 21.

Then on Saturday morning, we are cleaning up 2 miles of South Stark Highway, before heading to the Pine Tree Riot anniversary celebration sponsored by Americans for Prosperity.

Ironically, on April 19th, I opened a letter explaining that I would be in default on the loan if I don’t prove them that I paid all $16.29 that is overdue to the theft department by April 21.
I imagine there’s a good chance that number is up to 17.72 by now.

So that’s where we’re at on 4/20.
This is what makes it all worthwhile…